With the inception of the MGNREGA, the Research & Development cell has been proactive in imparting training to various Stake Holders. It is a matter of pride for the Institute that the Rural Development cell has been developing & imparting Knowledge, Skill and right attitude to various stake holders of MGNREGA. It is the result of imparting proper training of NREGA that Rajasthan has been leading for the last consequent four years in the successful implementation of MGNREGA at National Level.
• Implementation of MGNREGA in First Phase in Dungarpur district was applauded at National Level and recognized as Dungarpur Model. Dungarpur Model led the path of other states of the country to carry out MGNREGA effectively.
• Field Trainings completed for around one lakh Stakeholders (BRPs, Mates, Gram Sevaks) & Programmes for Senior Officials at SIRD level and for other Stakeholders through Cascade Model at field level. A massive training campaign was launched in financial year 2009-10 in which around One Lac stake holders were trained in Cascade model throughout the state. Block Level Resource persons were trained at institute level. They in turn trained the functionaries of Gram Panchayat down the line such as Gram Sevak, Gram Rojgar Sahayak, Sarpanch & Mate (Work Site Manager). Perhaps Rajasthan is the only state in the country where such a massive training campaign was conducted successfully.
• Training & seminars had also been organized for secondary stake holders of MGNREGA at regular intervals, which not only updated them with latest orders & circulars issued by government but also solved their problems related to the implementation of scheme.
• Module and Material preparation. The training material & modules, developed by the institute, were also provided to the BRPs in both Hard as well as soft copy. To ensure effective monitoring at the District level, specially developed Table Monitoring Formats were provided to all DPCs and ADPCs to appraise the ongoing training activities at a glance. MGNREGA Cell developed various training Modules for the training of Mate, Gram Rojgar Sahayak, Gram Sevak, Sarpanch and District Block Resource persons .
• Conducted- 42 Programmes in CFY covering- 2830 Participants till 12 December, 2009
• The Cell has also conducted various evaluation studies of implementation of MGNREGA at district level. Findings of such studies are taken into consideration while designing the forthcoming training programmes.
• The excellence achieved by the Institute is also appreciated by other states. A group of Programme Officers from Bihar was specially trained by the SIRD, Rajasthan in the course of sharing Knowledge & Expertise. In November 2009 a seven days training programme was conducted for the programme officers of Bihar state. The course was highly appreciated by the participants.
• University of San Diogo, USA also sent a group of Students & Professors for one day exposure visit on NREGA and Women empowerment. A detailed Question-Answer session was also held for the participants to address their queries. The programme was highly appreciated by the San Diago university's Students and Professors.
• Conducting training for Postal department officers on MGNREGA wage payment through Post offices added a new feather to Institute's cape. It was observed by the Chief PMG of Rajasthan that this training has helped the Staff & Officials a lot in making payments to wage seekers in time.
• A unique initiative to establish regular dialogue among various Stake holders of MGNREGA was taken named as SAMWAD as a joint effort of State MGNREGA Commissionerate and MKSS i.e. Mazdur Kisan Shakti Sangthan. It is being organised every month in the institute. This provides a proper platform to State Officials to address MGNREGA related issues in a structured manner.