The State Institute for Rural Development (SIRD) is a distinguished institution for imparting foundation and refresher trainings to the various stakeholders especially in the field of rural development and panchayati raj. In the year 1999, Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj took over the charge of the Institute from HCM-RIPA by a Cabinet order. Presently SIRD is a part of IGPR & GVS and is a nodal institute for training, research, evaluation and consultancy in the field of rural development and panchayati raj under the aegis of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department, Government of Rajasthan. SIRD organizes various training programmes for elected representatives of PRIs, different levels of officials of RD & PR and other line departments and NGOs both through in-house and off-campus mode. It also develops necessary training modules for the various training programmes. It has also undertaken various case-studies, exposure visits and evaluation studies.
The SIRD is focus on quality trainings, undertaking case studies and field studies on different developmental activities, monitoring and evaluation of Development Projects implemented by RD & PR in the State and development of innovative IEC and training manuals and reference materials related to Local Governance that benefit the various stakeholders of PRIs by capacity building and improving skills for the implementation of schemes of rural development and panchayati raj.
The National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD & PR.), Hyderabad helps in co-ordinate the CB & T efforts of SIRD by providing guidelines regarding new schemes of GoI, conducting Master Trainers programmes, etc. It also conducts off campus courses at SIRD for the flagship progammes of MoRD and MoPR.