• Sh. Bhajan Lal Sharma

    Sh. Bhajan Lal Sharma Chief Minister

  • Sh. Madan Dilawar

    Sh. Madan Dilawar State Minister

  • Sh. Ota Ram Dewasi

    Sh. Ota Ram Dewasi State Minister


State Institute of Rural Development

The State Institute for Rural Development (SIRD) is a distinguished institution for imparting foundation and refresher trainings to the various stakeholders especially in the field of rural development and panchayati raj. In the year 1999, Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj took over the charge of the Institute from HCM-RIPA by a Cabinet order. Presently SIRD is a part of IGPR & GVS and is a nodal institute for training, research, evaluation and consultancy in the field of rural development and panchayati raj under the aegis of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department, Government of Rajasthan. SIRD organizes various training programmes for elected representatives of PRIs, different levels of officials of RD & PR and other line departments and NGOs both through in-house and off-campus mode. It also develops necessary training modules for the various training programmes. It has also undertaken various case-studies, exposure visits and evaluation studies.


The SIRD is focus on quality trainings, undertaking case studies and field studies on different developmental activities, monitoring and evaluation of Development Projects implemented by RD & PR in the State and development of innovative IEC and training manuals and reference materials related to Local Governance that benefit the various stakeholders of PRIs by capacity building and improving skills for the implementation of schemes of rural development and panchayati raj.


The National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD & PR.), Hyderabad helps in co-ordinate the CB & T efforts of SIRD by providing guidelines regarding new schemes of GoI, conducting Master Trainers programmes, etc. It also conducts off campus courses at SIRD for the flagship progammes of MoRD and MoPR.

MoRD is providing financial assistance to SIRD for imparting training to elected representatives of PRIs and officials and functionaries related with rural development. The funding support under recurring grant include 100 per cent expenditure of 7 permanent core faculty members, salary of non teaching staff up to a limit and training related recurring expenditure as per ceiling limits.

MoRD provides 100 per cent financial assistance for non-recurring expenditure to SIRD. The proposals of non-recurring expenditure should be sent to NIRD & PR in the categories of Administrative Building, Class room/Seminar hall/Library/Hostel/Staff Quarter, Renovation of Building, Teaching aids (Computes, TV, LCD projector, Video Conferencing facilities, etc.), Office equipments (fax, Photocopier Machine, Scanner, Computer, Printer, etc.), Vehicle and Furniture & Furnishing (hostel/class room/office/seminar hall/meeting hall/guest house/recreation/indoor games, etc.)

The Joint Director (SIRD) is the overall incharge for all trainings under SIRD. He coordinates and monitors all training programs. Deputy Director (Training) providing him the necessary support.

The NIRD & PR and the SIRDs from other states regularly conduct training courses related to RD & PR, Management Support to Rural Development Programmes & Srengthening District Planning Process (MSRDP & SDPP) and DoPT sponsored Training Management Programmes for the faculty oof various SIRDs. The SIRD evaluates and recommends name of faculty for various training programmes being organized by other Institutions.

Rajasthan has six Panchayat Training Centers (PTCs) located at Ajmer, Bikaner, Bharatpur Dungarpur, Kota and Mandore (Jodhpur) and their Training Programmes are coordinated by the SIRD Rajasthan. These all centers are mainly engaged in the capacity bulding and skill development of the Gram Vikas Adhikari Sevaks, JEns, Assistant Vikas Adhikari and Additional Vikas Adhikari. All PTCs shall function under the guidance of the SIRD. SIRD is the State Level Apex Training Institution for the PTCs.


Out of these 6 PTCs the three Panchayat Training Centers of Ajmer, Dungarpur and Mandore (Jodhpur) are provided financial support from MoRD. The Ministry would provide annual financial support to PTCs on lump-sum basis for recurring expenditure. The recurring grant to PTCs would be released in two installments on receipt of request from the concerned PTC.