• Sh. Bhajan Lal Sharma

    Sh. Bhajan Lal Sharma Chief Minister

  • Sh. Madan Dilawar

    Sh. Madan Dilawar State Minister

  • Sh. Ota Ram Dewasi

    Sh. Ota Ram Dewasi State Minister



As the institute's mission suggests, its key function is to train the Elected Representatives and Government functionaries of all the three tiers of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI). Accordingly, the Institute has been organizing trainingfor the target group under various projects/programs to develop their capacities, strengthen the Panchayati Raj Institutions, and improve the service delivery of the various Rural Development Schemes.

The Institute has also organized training programs for the officials of the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department and the Elected Representatives, whohave been trained on subjects like Decentralized Planning, Rural Development, Panchayat Acts, Good Governance, basic Computer Awareness, Disaster Management, Stress Management, PMGSY, etc.

The Institute is optimally equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to support the knowledgeable faculty in its training assignments. All the conference halls are equipped with computers, LCD Projectors, Overhead Projectors, Visualisers, Public Address Systems,and Interactive Pads, in addition to pieces of equipment, all the halls, hostel rooms, and classrooms are fully air-conditioned. The Institute has an auditorium catering to the training needs of more than 350 participants.

The Institute has been organizing more than 100 training programs/workshops every year.

The Institute has evolved its unique strategy for planning and conducting need-based PRI training and learning events in a decentralized campaign mode through effective training cascades. Each round of a systematic training cycle for PRIs is operationalizedon the 5 main stages, as indicated below:

Needs Assessment (TNA)

Carried out through multi-stakeholder interactive workshops, entailing brainstorming sessions, focus group discussions,opinion polls, and in-depth interviews with representative stakeholders.

Training Module & Material Development (TMD)

Entailing preparation of relevant modules and materials, for various categories of PRI functionaries, based on the emerging training needs.

Training of Trainers (ToT)

At this stage of the training cycle, the institute equips trainer teams drawn from each block of the Stateto deliver direct training to PRI functionaries, based on the need-based modules & reference materials developed by the Institute.

Training of PRIs (TPRIs)

This is the stage of a decentralized cascade flow of training across all blocks of the state simultaneously facilitated by trainers in the Institute delivering training to elected and official functionaries of PRI’s under the guidance and supervision of the subject matter specialists and the faculty members of the Institute.

Training Impact Assessment (TIA)

The institute has also focused its attention on assessing the impact of its training. This is been carried out with the help of NGO partners, who were trained by the institute to conduct field studies on the impact of training, through 360-degree evaluation – entailing peer review, superior feedback; subordinate observations, as well as, community perceptions on improved performance of Panchayat functionaries, after training. The institute has already validated the cascade mode of decentralized training in three rounds in previous years, achieving the national training policy goal of "training for all" three times so far.

Panchayati Raj Act & Rules

Through the 73rd Constitutional Amendment, 50% Reservation for Women in Rajasthan from 2010, Engendering Panchayats, various Standing Committees and meetings desired at the 3 levels of PRIs, PESA Roles, Responsibilities and Powers of ERs & Officials 3 tiers/ PRIs Ward Sabha, Gram Sabha, Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, District Planning Committee and the Vision for Development- five yearly and annual.

Human Development

Education, Health, Women & Child Development, Livelihoods Schemes & Strategies Major Development Schemes implemented by PRIs-MGNREGA, SBM(G), NRLM, SGSY, PMAY, MP/MLA- LAD, Watershed, TSC, Poverty Reduction & Livelihoods, and various Social Security Schemes, etc.

Financial Management

Sources of funds, Local Development Planning, Budgeting, accounts records, Audit, UC & CC, Technical Estimates, BSR, MB, TS, FS, AS, mobilizing own income, Accounts- rules and procedures, Store & Inventory Management, Gender Responsive Planning, and Gender Audit.

Administration & Office Management

Record keeping, Preparation of agenda for meetings, meeting minutes & action taken reports, Revenue Matters- Handling encroachments on CPRs, Housing Pattas, Land Titles and Records, PDS & Food Security, Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths, Supervision of Staff, Office- Correspondence.

 Personal Development

Recognizing Self-Potential, Leadership Skills, Public Speaking & Communication, Confidence Building, Positive Mental Attitude, Conflict- Resolution, Coordination, Personal Effectiveness, Team Work, Group Dynamics, Gender Sensitivity, Women Empowerment, Pro-Poor, Tribal & Dalit Inclusive-Vision, Stress Management, Time Management, Curtailing Delays, Communication Skills, Total Quality Management, Relationship- Management, Workshop on Behavioural and managerial skills, naturally preventing lifestyle disease, Anxiety answered, Training on social issues: Education, Women's Empowerment, and Legal Issues, Attended by 92 elected women representatives and women officers of PRIs, A training program was held for Panchayat Raj functionaries to enhance their knowledge of various portals such as E-Gram Swaraj, E-Panchayat, E- Bling, POL, and others, which will aid in the implementation of e-governance, A training program was organized for elected public representatives on Participatory Rural Appraisal to help them understand the importance of community participation and motivate them to use these tools in preparing the Gram Panchayat Development Plan.

Topical Concerns/Emerging Challenges

E-learning, Interface with Civil Society, Green & Clean Eco-Friendly Governance, Disaster Management, Human Rights & Various Social Legislations, RTI & Social Audit, Transparent & Accountable Governance, Coping with Stress and developing resilience in personal and professional life during the COVID-19 pandemic, Modern concept of disability and mainstreaming of persons with disabilities in society,Training of trainers on Disability issues and Rights of Persons with Disability Act, 2016.Under the RGSA training program, a session was held for elected public representatives to enhance their knowledge about climate-related issues and government initiatives to mitigate these problems, Training programs have been conducted for elected public representatives and officials of Panchayati Raj on various subjects, such as carbon-neutral village workshops, recycling, and waste management, to enhance OSR and encourage them to apply the provisions of the Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, to reduce dependence on grants.

Unique and Innovative training

Institutional Training of Rajasthan Rural Development Service Officers, Training of Central Secretariat Services- The Institute of Secretariat and Management (ISTM) sends the probationer ASOs for 2 two-week field training, Training of National Women’s Commission: Workshop on “She is a Changemaker” on issues of gender, leadership and communication skills, From PANCHAYAT TO PARLIAMENT WORKSHOP: A group of total 29 elected women representatives and 4 coordinators represented Rajasthan in the Workshop held on 05 January 2024 at the Sansad Sadan of the new Parliament building at New Delhi, Five training programs were conducted for officials of the Panchayati Raj Department on Own Source of Revenue (OSR) in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) to promote innovations using OSR and to enhance its generation,


Project Management & Project Appraisal, Management Development Programmes, Environmental Management, Micro Enterprise Management


  • Decentralized Planning for Inclusive Development & Social Justice
  • Gender Responsive Planning & Budgeting
  • Refresher on Gender Responsive Governance
  • Refresher on Flagship Development Programmes
  • Capacity Building for Local Governance in Watershed Development
  • Gender budgeting
  • Refresher course on theme-based training on LSDGs.
  • GIS, MIS Based Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Quality Indicators and Sustainability Issues
  • Empowerment of CIGs
  • Interpersonal Communication.
  • Group Formation, Development and Strengthening
  • Monitoring and Learning Systems
  • Social Development Perspectives
  • Rural Marketing
  • Management Information System (MIS)
  • Micro Enterprise Development including Sectoral Workshops on Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, fishery, Leather, Wool, Textiles, Minor Minerals
  • Cluster Development
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Panchayat Resource Centre
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Case Writing
  • Community-based Participatory Methodology
  • Logical Frame-Work Analysis
  • Livelihood Promotion
  • Social Audit
  • Contribution tothe Development of Training Modules

The Subject matter specialists and faculty of the Institute have also contributed towards the development of Training Modules based on field experiences and training needs Assessment Studies for the following levels of Training - Elected representatives and Officials of PRIs with the support of UNICEF and SDC. Training Modules have also been developed for training courses in the areas of Watershed Development, Rural Development, NREGA, DPIP, and EC-SPP.

Computer Training

The Computer Cell of the Institute provides Basic Computer Skills Training to Non-Gazetted employees of Zila Parishads and Panchayat Samitis. The focus is on training Staff and Officials of the Department of Rural Development. The course is aimed at enhancing the capacity of personnel for optimum use of computers in Office Automation. An Average of two courses are conducted every month in batches of 20 to 30 participants.

The Syllabus comprises familiarization with the Main applications of MS Office i.e. MS Word, MS-Excel, and Power Point Presentations clubbed with an introduction to the Internet and E-mailing, etc. AUTO-CAD training is organized to brush up on the technical skills of engineering personnel. The institute also hosts various training programs organized by different departments.