Vision & Mission of IGPR
• To undertake research and evaluation studies on Panchayati Raj &Rural Development (PR&RD)
• To train officials and non- officials connected with Panchayati Raj & Rural Development.
• To collect and disseminate information and material on Panchayati Raj and Rural Development and to serve as a facilitator for information on these subjects.
• To collect and maintain information on Local Government in Rural areas in India and abroad.
• To maintain a well-equipped library on Panchayati Raj Rural Development and Local Government issues.
• To undertake evaluation studies of the various programmes of Rural Development and of the functioning of Panchayati Raj.
• To prepare, print and publish papers, periodicals reference material, training modules & books on PR&RD.
• To collaborate with other institutions, associations and societies in India or abroad interested in similar objects.
• To conduct courses of study for certificate /diploma in rural development
• To establish institutions or regional centers for the aforesaid objects.