Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj
Gramin Vikas sansthan, Jaipur

Vision & Mission of IGPR

To undertake research and evaluation studies on Panchayati Raj &Rural Development (PR&RD)

To train officials and non- officials connected with Panchayati Raj & Rural Development.

To collect and disseminate information and material on Panchayati Raj and Rural Development and to serve as a facilitator for information on these subjects.

To collect and maintain information on Local Government in Rural areas in India and abroad.

To maintain a well-equipped library on Panchayati Raj Rural Development and Local Government issues.

To undertake evaluation studies of the various programmes of Rural Development and of the functioning of Panchayati Raj.

To prepare, print and publish papers, periodicals reference material, training modules & books on PR&RD.

To collaborate with other institutions, associations and societies in India or abroad interested in similar objects.

To conduct courses of study for certificate /diploma in rural development

To establish institutions or regional centers for the aforesaid objects.

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Last Update Date : 07.01.2025
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