• Sh. Bhajan Lal Sharma

    Sh. Bhajan Lal Sharma Chief Minister

  • Sh. Madan Dilawar

    Sh. Madan Dilawar State Minister

  • Sh. Ota Ram Dewasi

    Sh. Ota Ram Dewasi State Minister


Achievements & Milestones

• Recognition as an All India Trainer-Training Centre for running Design of Training courses by DOPT, GOI, since 1997

• Recognition as a nodal agency for Watershed Trainings since 1997-98 by Department of Rural Development, GoR

• Recognition by UNICEF as Nodal Agency for Capacity Building for Convergence related projects and for PRI-Trainings since 1997-98.

• Became SIRD vide a cabinet decision since July, 1999.

• Recognition as the Lead Training Agency for District Poverty Initiatives Project (DPIP) of World Bank and GoR, since 2000.

• Recognition as a Regional Resource Centre amongst 6 RRCs in the country assigned different states, for the states of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, from 2001 to 2003, under UNDP-GoI sub-project.

• Creation of comprehensive Trainer-Training Modules and Reference Materials for PRIs, DPIP, Watershed, SGSY, Uttar-Pradesh PRI Trainings, Population, Health, RCH & Gender Issues, for BRGF & NREGA and for Gender Responsive District Planning etc.

• Validation of the Cascade Model of Decentralized Trainings

• Through training of 35000 elected Women - Representatives of PRIs in the State, in block level training camps, (605 camps) held simultaneously throughout Rajasthan in Feb- March ’02.

• Achievement of full scale PRI-Training for all Panchayat leaders and officials including–Sarpanches, Ward Panches and Gram- Sevaks- approximately 1.23 lacs in number, through holding about 1000 training camps at block-level in Sept-Oct, 2003.

• In 2005, after fresh PRI elections, a time-bound “Training for All” campaign was conducted effectively within a record time of 75 days, with 95-99% average turnout- training from Zila- Pramukhs to Ward Panches and CEOs to Gram Sevaks, through conduct of over 1000 training camps at state, district, block and sub-block levels, with the achievement of training 1.25 lac persons approximately.

• Thus, the institute has emerged as the one and only pioneer training institute by having achieved the goal of “Training for All” in the Panchayati Raj Sector, as envisioned in the National Training Policy, through conduct of 6 rounds of mass scale training campaigns-in 2002, 2003 and 2005 & for 12 BRGF districts in 2007 & yet again, for Refresher PRI-Trainings in 2008-09- for Reserved Categories & for all PRIs- on thematic areas of flagship programmes.

• An innovative project on orienting school children of senior-secondary schools, on practical knowledge of Panchayati Raj, was taken up with the support of MoRD, GOI-through enactment of Mock-Panchayats, in 2002-03, wherein, 950 school teachers and 3.90 lac school children were oriented .

• The cascade model of decentralized training has been subsequently replicated for trainings of functionaries at block level, in respect of Watershed, SGRY, SGSY, NREGA & BRG.

• Through TOT, 614 Master Trainers were equipped for District level trainings

• Through training 16418 watershed functionaries trained simultaneously in 31 districts of Rajasthan in 28 days (Feb.- March, 2004)

• Developed 5 day training module for Watershed Development Team in 2007

• Trained all Watershed Development Team Members in time line of 35 days in July- Aug, 2007

• An innovative project of awareness generation in school Children of senior secondary schools on Health related misconceptions was taken up to enlighten them in 2001-2002 wherein 350 School teachers and 15,000 student were benefited

• Evaluation study on "Perception of Poor on Poverty Elevation" assigned by Department of Rural Development , GoR, 2008

• Watershed Trainings based on new common guidelines related Project proposal submitted to Additional Secretary, MoRD, GoI- Rs. 63.55 lacs sanction received vide letter dated 22.12.09 from MoRD, GoI

• In 2010-11 Watershed Trainings are being conducted in a Cascade Mode- on new common guidelines.

• GIS and MIS based State Level Workshops were organized on Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation system developed by ISRO Using Remote Sensing in January, 2009

• Evaluation Studies of 288 completed micro-watersheds of 11 district of Rajasthan in record time of 4 months , assigned by Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development , GoI, New Delhi

• Consortium Partner of State Level Consortium for Capacity Building in Watershed Management by MoRD & GTZ (German Technical Cooperation), New Delhi. GTZ supported Capacity Building in Decentralized Watershed Management- State level Training was held (16- 20 March, 09)- for Executive Engineers & POs (LR)

• Role of WDTs in Harit Rajasthan Campaign (13 July, 09)- for Agricultural Experts & Social Scientists

The Backward Region Grant Fund Programme launched by the Ministry of Panchayat Raj. Govt. of India in 2006-07 with a six years time frame is designed to redress regional imbalances in development. A total of 250 districts have been identified in the country including 12 districts of Rajasthan covered under the programme for 100% central assistance.

This fund will provide financial resources for supplementing and covering existing inflows into identified districts, so as to fulfil the following objectives:

(i) Bridge critical gaps in local infrastructure and other developmental requirement that are currently not being met adequately through existing inflows.

(ii) Strengthen to this end Panchayat and Municipal level governance with more appropriate capacity building, to facilitate participatory planning, decision making, implementation and monitoring, to reflect local felt needs.

(iii) Provide professional support to local bodies for planning, implementation, & monitoring their plans.

(iv) Improve the programme and delivery of critical functions assigned to the Panchayats and counter possible efficiency and equity losses on accounts of inadequate local capacity.

In Rajasthan, the programme is being implemented in 12 districts of mainly:- Banswara,Barmer,Chittorgarh,Dungarpur,Jaisalmer,Jalore, Jhalawar, Karauli, Sawai-Madhopur,Sirohi, Tonk and Udaipur.

These districts mainly cover the tribal districts in South Rajasthan i.e. Banswara, Chittorgarh (includes newly constituted separate district-PARTAPGARH) Dungarpur, Jhalawar, Sirohi and Udaipur; the desert districts in West Rajasthan i.e. Barmer, Jaislmer and Jalore; the Dang area districts i.e. Sawai-Madhopur and KARAULI and one minority pre-dominant district i.e. Tonk.

• First National Workshop of BRGFD organized in Feb.2007, at the request of MoPR-GoI

• First BRGF Orientation Training Conducted in 2007 in a cascade mode-based on training modules published by the Institute.

• 10 ToT organized in 2007- where in 400 trainers trained (CEOs, ACEOs, CPOs of 12 BRGF districts and BDOs, CDPOs, PEOs, NGOs, Ex- PRI Members- of 83 blocks.

• 2 Days training workshops for all Zila Parishad and D.P.C. held in all 12 BRGF districts.

• 83 Training Workshops organized in all 83 Panchayat Samities for Panchayat Samiti Members training.

• Sarpanchas, Ward Panchas & Gram Sevaks of all 3278 Gram Panchayats of 12 BRGF districts trained in Joint workshops-(2 days) in clusters of 10 to 15 Gram Panchayats.

• Refresher Training Workshops of 2 days each being conducted at IGPRS for BDOs, CDPOs, PEOs, NGOs & Ex-PRIs-15 Refresher trainings have been conducted till date.

• The Training are a mix of audio-visual presentation, lecture method & group discussions and include key contents on BRGF Scheme, Decentralized Planning, other schemes and Convergence ,Presentation on District Level perspective plans, and related topics i.e. such as social Audit and RTI, training skills etc.

• Thus, a total of around 38,000 elected representatives and 4840 officials have been trained from 2007-08 to October 2009-10 under the BRGF Training Campaign. A total expenditure of around Rs. 176 lacs has been incurred on above trainings.

• Around 100 persons were imparted training of ‘Handpump- Mistries’ through ‘Dhruv’ Sansthan- Gujarat.

• 576 rural youths were trained as Barefoot Engineers (Masons) in 12 Districts by CIDC, New Delhi, following a 60 days training module.

In 2010- next PRI Orientation Training Campaign would cover BRGF districts also, for which funding support will be shared from BRGF Grant (100% Central Assistance) for Capacity Building and for remaining 21 districts- funds are sought from RGSY Scheme of MoPR-GoI- entailing 75 : 25 cost-sharing between GoI & GoR.

Refresher trainings for Block Level functionaries of B.R.G.F. would be continued in 2010.

Under the B.R.G.F. Capacity Building plan recently sanctioned to I.G.P.R.S. funds would be utilized for strengthening of S.I.R.D. and strengthening of the 3 P.T.C.’s. It is also proposed to impart trainings to Gram Sevaks including computers trainings. A special training programme for training of D.P.C. members at the District level is also proposed to be organized.

• Developed DPIP Modules and Training Material.

• Conducted about 150 Training programmes as lead training agency for DPIP during project period on various themes covering 4752 participants (2001-2007)

• Conducted about 250 programmes covering 11540 participants at SIRD and decentralized level in SGSY from 2003-04 till 2008-09. About 20 training programmes till date during (2009-10)

• Conducted 16 programmes in EC-SPP during 2007-08 & 2008-09 (615 participants)

• Collaboration with reputed Institutes –NIRD, MYRADA

• Conducting about 20 Programmes on SGSY for various stake holders.

• Training of all stakeholders in SGSY (Orientation Training of SHG members, Officials, non-officials, NGOs & Bankers)

• Two fold training strategy- Officers, NGOs, Bankers & Trainers trained at SIRD level and other functionaries through decentralized cascade model.

• Funds from MoRD by submitting proposals. During 2009-10 proposals of amount Rs 79.77 lacs were submitted to MoRD. Rs. 29.56 lacs sanctioned and released as first installment. Out of this Rs. 19.16 lacs transferred to 16 Districts. Trainings in progress.

• Proposal worth Rs. 128.89 lacs moved to GoI for 2010-11 for SGSY Stakeholders trainings which are sanctioned and likely to be released .

• New project of Consumer Education from NITS [Ministry of Consumer Affairs (GOI) Rs 3.56 lacs received]

• Training Modules of SGSY

• Training Modules of EC-SPP

• Consumer Education and Awareness Modules

• Training Modules for Saaksar Bharat Programme .

• Conducted Orientation Workshop for newly elected Zila Prumuksh.

With the inception of the MGNREGA, the Research & Development cell has been proactive in imparting training to various Stake Holders. It is a matter of pride for the Institute that the Rural Development cell has been developing & imparting Knowledge, Skill and right attitude to various stake holders of MGNREGA. It is the result of imparting proper training of NREGA that Rajasthan has been leading for the last consequent four years in the successful implementation of MGNREGA at National Level.

• Implementation of MGNREGA in First Phase in Dungarpur district was applauded at National Level and recognized as Dungarpur Model. Dungarpur Model led the path of other states of the country to carry out MGNREGA effectively.

• Field Trainings completed for around one lakh Stakeholders (BRPs, Mates, Gram Sevaks) & Programmes for Senior Officials at SIRD level and for other Stakeholders through Cascade Model at field level. A massive training campaign was launched in financial year 2009-10 in which around One Lac stake holders were trained in Cascade model throughout the state. Block Level Resource persons were trained at institute level. They in turn trained the functionaries of Gram Panchayat down the line such as Gram Sevak, Gram Rojgar Sahayak, Sarpanch & Mate (Work Site Manager). Perhaps Rajasthan is the only state in the country where such a massive training campaign was conducted successfully.

• Training & seminars had also been organized for secondary stake holders of MGNREGA at regular intervals, which not only updated them with latest orders & circulars issued by government but also solved their problems related to the implementation of scheme.

• Module and Material preparation. The training material & modules, developed by the institute, were also provided to the BRPs in both Hard as well as soft copy. To ensure effective monitoring at the District level, specially developed Table Monitoring Formats were provided to all DPCs and ADPCs to appraise the ongoing training activities at a glance. MGNREGA Cell developed various training Modules for the training of Mate, Gram Rojgar Sahayak, Gram Sevak, Sarpanch and District Block Resource persons .

• Conducted- 42 Programmes in CFY covering- 2830 Participants till 12 December, 2009

• The Cell has also conducted various evaluation studies of implementation of MGNREGA at district level. Findings of such studies are taken into consideration while designing the forthcoming training programmes.

• The excellence achieved by the Institute is also appreciated by other states. A group of Programme Officers from Bihar was specially trained by the SIRD, Rajasthan in the course of sharing Knowledge & Expertise. In November 2009 a seven days training programme was conducted for the programme officers of Bihar state. The course was highly appreciated by the participants.

• University of San Diogo, USA also sent a group of Students & Professors for one day exposure visit on NREGA and Women empowerment. A detailed Question-Answer session was also held for the participants to address their queries. The programme was highly appreciated by the San Diago university's Students and Professors.

• Conducting training for Postal department officers on MGNREGA wage payment through Post offices added a new feather to Institute's cape. It was observed by the Chief PMG of Rajasthan that this training has helped the Staff & Officials a lot in making payments to wage seekers in time.

• A unique initiative to establish regular dialogue among various Stake holders of MGNREGA was taken named as SAMWAD as a joint effort of State MGNREGA Commissionerate and MKSS i.e. Mazdur Kisan Shakti Sangthan. It is being organised every month in the institute. This provides a proper platform to State Officials to address MGNREGA related issues in a structured manner.

A National TOT for all SIRDs was organized with Prof. Robert Chambers of IDS, Sussex, UK in April, 2003 on the theme-’Participatory Training and Workshops’

• The institute’s experience on cascade model of decentralized trainings for Women PRI-leaders was presented by Professor Dr. Anita at the SAARC- International Conference 2003 in India and at Lahore in 2004

• The Institute hosts a Guest Lecture Series, to invite persons of National/ International eminence, to speak on issues of topical relevance, for promoting creative thinking. So far we have hosted following distinguished speakers:

• Justice Sujata Manohar, Member-NHRC

* Dr. C. Kondaih, Principal Director-NISIET

* Mr. John Keay, Renowned Historian

* Padma Bhushan Economist Prof. V. S. Vyas

* Nobel Laureate Economist- Joseph Stiglitz, Professor, University of Stanford, USA

* Prof. M. Aslam, Director, NCIDE, IGNOU

• The Institute was chosen by MoPR, GoI & GoR to organize the VII Round Table Conference on the theme ‘Capacity Building of PRIs, IT & e-governance’ (17-19 Dec, 2004). This was the grand finale of the Seven Round Tables organized by MoPR, GoI on different themes in the country and was rated by the Ministry to be the best organized event in the series. The Compendium of the Resolutions agreed by consensus in the Seven Round Tables was published by the institute at the request of the Ministry and released and adopted for action by all Ministers of PR&RD from all states at this event.

• The last Financial Year was observed as the Silver Jubilee Year of the Institute, in memory of the Foundation stone of Institute’s building being laid on 7th Oct. 1984, by late Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi.

• Two State level and two National Seminars were organized under CDLG-Project of MoPR, GoI & UNDP in the series of events being hosted to commemorate the Silver Jubilee Year:

* State level Workshop for all Zila Pramukhs & Pradhans (16 Sept. 09)- to deliberate on empowerment of PRIs and NREGA

* National Seminar on Effective Grassroots Governance: Success Stories of Panchayats (7-8 Oct. 09)

* State level Workshop for NGOs on Capacity Building of PRIs (19-20 Nov. 09)

* National Seminar for SIRDs & NGOs : Experience Sharing on Capacity Building of PRIs (17-18 Dec. 09)

* Next event proposed under the series is A Guest Lecture by a person of National Eminence viz.- R.K. Pachauri, IPCC-Chair &DG, TERI/Sunita Narain, Director, CSE/Sam Pitroda, Chair, National Knowledge Commission/ Nandan Nilekani, Chair, UIDAI/Rahul Gandhi, Youth Leader of India

• The Institute’s cascade model of decentralized PRI Trainings has been selected as a good practice-& included in the Resource Book of Good Practices in development & good governance published by UNDP & Planning Commission (2009).

• Earlier Institute has been listed in the Unicef- South Asia Directory of 50 leading resource institutions in development communication- for its strength of mass-scale PRI trainings (2006).